BITTNET SYSTEMS S.A. (referred to as the “Company”) informs investors about the redemption of BNET23 corporate bonds at maturity. The registration date for the identification of the bondholders is 29.06.2023, and the payment date is 03.07.2023. The last trading day will be 27.06.2023 so that the Issuer can carry out all the technical procedures with the Central Depository in order to complete this operation.

Also, according to the BSE Code, BNET23 bonds will be suspended from trading starting with 28.06.2023. In addition from the repayment of the face value, will also be made the transfer for the last quarterly coupon, coupon 21, with the same reference date and payment data.

According to the Memorandum, coupon 21 will be a fractional one, calculated on the number of days from the date of the last full coupon to the date of the effective reimbursement, considering that the first BNET23 coupon was also a fractional one.

CR03/14.06.2023 – BNET23