Bittnet Systems S.A. (hereinafter referred to as “the Company”) informs the shareholders about extending of the credit line regarding contract no. 132/15.06.2015 with Patria Bank S.A. with a value of RON 1.000.000. The guarantees for this contract extention remain:

  • Assignments of the accounts receivables from certain customers;
  • mortgage of a number of 1.351.315 shares from Logofatu Critian Ion, CFO of the Company;
  • mortgage of a number of 1.351.315 shares from Logofatu Mihai Alexandru Constantin, the Administrator of the Company.

The Credit line has the maturity 16th of February 2018 with possible renewal and will be continue to be used for financing current activity.

CR8 raport curent prelungire linie de credit – english