BITTNET SYSTEMS S.A. (referred to as the “Company” / “Issuer”) informs the investors about the Decision of the Board of Directors regarding the results of the public offer for the sale of corporate bonds held between April 2nd -15th , 2024. BNET28A issue consists of a number of 66,249 bonds with a individual face value of 100 ron and a total value of RON 6,624,900. The date of issue being 18th April 2024, the date from which the 9% interest will be calculated on the nominal value of the instrument. The price at which the transaction will be settled is the price of 96 ron/bond.

The BNET28A bonds are corporate bonds, bearing a fixed interest rate of 9% per annum, payable quarterly through the Central Depository system, maturing 4 years after issuance, i.e. in April 2028. We attach to this current report the CA Decision to close the public offer BNET28A.

Decizie CA – rezultate oferta BNET28A