BITTNET SYSTEMS S.A. (referred to as the “Company” / “Issuer” / “Group”) informs investors about the improvement of the banking financing structure by extending and supplementing the amount for two credit products by Dataware Consulting (part of the Cloud & Infrastructure pillar of Bittnet Group). The contracts were signed with Banca Transilvania as follows:

  • Supplementing the ceiling loan for financing the working capital by RON 15 million, from the value of RON 2.5 million to the maximum amount of RON 17.5 million. This banking product will be used for financing of significant current and future contracts. The guarantees are: mortgage on the bank accounts opened at Banca Transilvania, assignment of receivables resulting from the financed contracts and guarantee from the majority shareholder of Dataware Consulting, Dendrio Solutions SRL. The interest for this product will be ROBOR3M+2.75% applied to the amount used from this ceiling. The period of use is 12 months from signing with the possibility of extension, and the period of validity is 24 months. The product will be used revolving, through successive draws, to secure the financing component – where necessary – for contracts with a long implementation cycle and which involve delivery of complex IT&C integration solutions.
  • The addition of RON 3 million to the non-cash ceiling for issuing bank letters of guarantee. The product will be used in current activity for the establishment of bank guarantees for bidding procedures or for the proper execution of commercial contracts that require such guarantee instruments. The company asked the bank to supplement the existing non-cash ceiling so that it is not necessary to block own cash in the guarantee instruments.

Dataware Consulting is part of the Cloud& Infrastructure pillar of Bittnet Group together with Dendrio Solutions, Top Tech, 2NET Computer and Optimizor.
