BITTNET SYSTEMS S.A. (hereinafter referred to as “the Company”) informs investors about the issuance by Financial Supervisory Authority of the new certificate for registration of financial instruments (CIIF) no. AC-4149-13 / 16.12.2020 according to the total number of shares resulting from the capital increase following the EGMS Decision no. 3 of April 2020.

According to the options expressed by the shareholders from the registration date, 21.07.2020, the shareholders who did not take any action within the selection procedure, or the shareholders who opted for the allocation of the free share, will receive one free share for every 10 shares held at date of registration. The result of the options was made public by the Company through the current report no. 43/31.07.2020 (Direct link to the report here)

The Central Depository will upload the shares in the accounts of the shareholders from 21.07.2020 in Section 1, from where they will be able to be transferred in the trading accounts by sending a request to the broker where the shareholder has the trading account. This will be possible after the Central Depository issues the information regarding the processing of the corporate event.

3,480,156 BNET shares will be charged to the shareholders’ accounts and 9,244,829 BNET shares will be charged to the Company’s account. We attach to this current report the certificate no. AC-4149-13 / 16.12.2020 and the document presenting this operation.

CIIF no. AC-4149-13 / 16.12.2020

Document of the capital increase operation