BITTNET SYSTEMS S.A. (hereinafter referred to as “Company” / “Issuer” / “Group”) informs investors about the extension of two credit lines contracted by Dataware Consulting (a company part of the Group) from Banca Transilvania SA under similar conditions:

  • revolving overdraft loan for financing the current activity, in a maximum amount of RON 2,500,000, annual interest: ROBOR3M+3%, new maturity: 09 July 2025. The guarantees for this loan: mortgage on the universality of claims, parental guarantee contract from the majority shareholder, Dendrio Solutions SRL
  • revolving overdraft loan for financing the current activity, in a maximum amount of RON 720,000. The interest for this product is ROBOR 3M+2.5%, new maturity: 14 June 2024. Guarantees for this credit: parental guarantee from Dendrio Solutions SRL, collateral cash deposit 144,000 RON and guarantee issued by the European Investment Fund (EIF) 80% of the loan amount.
