BITTNET SYSTEMS S.A. (hereinafter referred to as the “Company”) informs the shareholders about the early and full redemption of the BNET19 bond issue in accordance with the Memorandum and the Decision of the Sole Administrator no. 5627 of 07.02.2019 through which the call option was exercised.

The redemption price of the BNET19 issue is 100% of the face value and the registration date for the identification of the bondholders who benefit from the early buyback is 14.02.2019. The payment date was established on 22.02.2019 so that the Issuer could perform all the technical procedures with the Central Depository in order to complete this operation.

Also, according to Bucharest Stock Exchange Code, BNET19 bonds will be suspended from trading starting with 13.02.2019.

According to the Listing Memorandum, the redemption value of the BNET19 issue will include interest as a coupon fraction calculated for a number of days equal to time interval from the date of payment of the last full coupon (Coupon 10 of January 15, 2019) and until the actual payment date of the value of the redeemed issue, 22.02.2019.

The Company’s management has made this decision in order to reduce the debt ratio and increase profitability by reducing financial expenses.

Decizie administrator rambursare anticipata emisiune BNET19