BITTNET SYSTEMS S.A. (referred to as the “Company” / the “Group” or the “Issuer”) informs investors about receiving an order from the Competition Council regarding the launch of an investigation on the IT market and for IT and communication equipment in Romania.
The investigation concerns various procedures from the period 2019-2024 related to some IT&C infrastructure projects and covers several companies active in the IT field in Romania, including 2 companies that are part of the Digital Infrastructure pillar of Bittnet group: Dendrio Solutions SRL and Dataware Consulting SRL.

The investigation launched by the Competition Council is carried out in compliance with the specific procedure conferred by the law. As part of such efforts, the competition authority seeks to collect data and information in order to carry out all analyzes on the targeted markets and verify the behaviors of companies active in these market segments.

Until the procedures are completed and competition violations are found through a decision, the investigated companies are not considered to be in a situation of non-fulfillment of the legal obligations.

Bittnet Group is not aware that any of the companies part of its group are involved in any way in anti-competitive practices within the bid procedures in public or private sector, the group being actively involved in the implementation of some projects and procedures to comply with competition rules.

Bittnet Group assures the authorities of its full cooperation in this investigation. The issuer will inform the investors about the procedures, once they are communicated by the Competition Council.
