BITTNET SYSTEMS S.A. (referred to as the “Company” / “Issuer”) informs the shareholders about the availability of electronic/online voting, through the EVote platform, for OGMS and EGMS from 25.04.2024.

Thus, BNET shareholders registered in the shareholders’ register kept by the Central Depository at the end of 12.04.2024 (reference date) can exercise their right to vote. The voting process is open starting today, continuously and online, until the end of the GMS session.

The online access is made to the following link by creating a shareholder account, or using an already activated shareholder account:

Credentials registered now for newly created shareholder accounts will be able to be used at future Bittnet GMS. Shareholders who already have an EVote account can use the previously set credentials.

If you encounter problems in creating or accessing the shareholder account, you can contact us at the email address: .
