BITTNET SYSTEMS S.A. (hereinafter referred to as “the Company”) informs the investors about receiving of a notification to correct a material error in the convening notice of the Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders dated 26.11.2020, in the sense of clarifying two paragraphs related to point 12 of the agenda, as follows:

  • The text proposed in art. 7.5.1. iii) lit. c) instead of:
    ” The allocation of the priority dividend is calculated as a multiple of 1.75 of the percentage of the consolidated net profit of the previous fiscal year, multiplied by the percentage represented by the preferential shares in the total share capital.”
    will be:
    “The allocation of the priority dividend from the consolidated net profit of the previous fiscal year is calculated as a multiple of 1.75 applied to the percentage represented by the preferential shares in the total share capital.”
  • The text proposed in art. 7.5.6 paragraph 5, instead of:
    “The meeting will be able to be held, regardless of whether it is the first convocation or subsequent convocations, only in the presence of the holders of at least 50 (fifty)% plus one the Preferred Shares and will be able to make decisions based on simple majority (50%+1) of those present or represented. “
    will be:
    “The meeting may be held validly, regardless of whether it is the first convocation or subsequent convocations, only in the presence of the holders of at least 50 (fifty)% plus one of the Preferred Shares and may take decisions based on a simple majority (50% + 1) of those present or represented”

The request was made by Mr. Cristian Logofatu, shareholder of the Company with a holding of 12.8702% of the share capital and the voting rights in accordance to art. 117^1 alin. (1) of the Companies Law no. 31/1990, art. 92 (3) and (5) and art. 106 of Law no. 24/2017 and art. 189 and art. 225 (1) of the FSA Regulation no. 5/2018.

Current Report 55/09.11.2020